riegal wrote:I am moving to Larnaca. Two questions:
2) Best neighborhood in Larnaca for public transportation?
public transportation?
From my own observation public transportation is very sparse to say the least -- most of the folk I've seen using buses have been the older generation / school kids and the odd tourist --- I'm afraid it's very much a car culture in Cyprus -- much to the EU's frustration it will take many years ( if ever ) to convince the population of Cyprus to take a bus.
last time I was in Cyprus I was visited by a neighbouring family -- they live in the next street and it would have taken them less than 10 mins to walk -- they came by car

On another occasion I was treated to a surprise visit by some of my Cypriot friends -- It was a big surprise as I wasn't in ( I do wish they would learn to telephone first ) -- I'd taken a walk down to the shops and sea front -- sadly my friends wife refused to believe I wasn't at home because my car was still parked outside -- and hinted that as I was in Cyprus alone perhaps I was with someone and didn't want to be disturbed

I evenually met them for a coffee on the sea front and afterwards they insisted in giving me a lift home .
I wouldn't rely on a regular bus service to take you to and from your chosen village location.