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Cyprus will save the EU!

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Re: Cyprus will save the EU!

Postby miltiades » Thu Mar 17, 2016 9:20 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:The bankers that stole your money have NOTHING to do with Greece. Not a penny of your money found its way to Greek pockets - not even to help subsidize university places for Cypriots.

Come on now, Laiki Bank who had my money advanced huge sums of money to Greek institutions and businesses, in the process making huge commissions.

55 years working in the UK, striving to provide for my family and for my old age. Money that I worked hard for, I did not steal I worked for it.
A friend of mine who lost around 600, 000 had a heart attack, I'm not this type, I survive and I accept the gross injustice with a smile and as Donald Trump said, when you have a young.....ass to wake up to you are a lucky man :lol: :lol: Fuck the money, that is my motto!
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Re: Cyprus will save the EU!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Mar 17, 2016 9:35 pm

miltiades wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:The bankers that stole your money have NOTHING to do with Greece. Not a penny of your money found its way to Greek pockets - not even to help subsidize university places for Cypriots.

Come on now, Laiki Bank who had my money advanced huge sums of money to Greek institutions and businesses, in the process making huge commissions.

55 years working in the UK, striving to provide for my family and for my old age. Money that I worked hard for, I did not steal I worked for it.
A friend of mine who lost around 600, 000 had a heart attack, I'm not this type, I survive and I accept the gross injustice with a smile and as Donald Trump said, when you have a young.....ass to wake up to you are a lucky man :lol: :lol: Fuck the money, that is my motto!

Robin Hood can explain to you where that money actually went - and it wasn't for the benefit of Greece!

But let's face it - it was pure personal greed that made people invest huge amounts into single accounts, just for the benefit of inflated interest rates. :wink: It's not an 'injustice'. It was gambling.
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Re: Cyprus will save the EU!

Postby miltiades » Thu Mar 17, 2016 9:48 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
miltiades wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:The bankers that stole your money have NOTHING to do with Greece. Not a penny of your money found its way to Greek pockets - not even to help subsidize university places for Cypriots.

Come on now, Laiki Bank who had my money advanced huge sums of money to Greek institutions and businesses, in the process making huge commissions.

55 years working in the UK, striving to provide for my family and for my old age. Money that I worked hard for, I did not steal I worked for it.
A friend of mine who lost around 600, 000 had a heart attack, I'm not this type, I survive and I accept the gross injustice with a smile and as Donald Trump said, when you have a young.....ass to wake up to you are a lucky man :lol: :lol: Fuck the money, that is my motto!

Robin Hood can explain to you where that money actually went - and it wasn't for the benefit of Greece!

But let's face it - it was pure personal greed that made people invest huge amounts into single accounts, just for the benefit of inflated interest rates. :wink: It's not an 'injustice'. It was gambling.

GIG don't be so flippant, people put their money in the bank as it is considered safer than stashing it under a mattress, although with hindsight it would have been far more safer than Laiki. How dare they take my money, in any other circumstances they would have been arrested and charged with theft. Still I mustn't complain, as Donald says when you have a ..... :lol: :lol:
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Re: Cyprus will save the EU!

Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Mar 17, 2016 10:57 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
miltiades wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:The bankers that stole your money have NOTHING to do with Greece. Not a penny of your money found its way to Greek pockets - not even to help subsidize university places for Cypriots.

Come on now, Laiki Bank who had my money advanced huge sums of money to Greek institutions and businesses, in the process making huge commissions.

55 years working in the UK, striving to provide for my family and for my old age. Money that I worked hard for, I did not steal I worked for it.
A friend of mine who lost around 600, 000 had a heart attack, I'm not this type, I survive and I accept the gross injustice with a smile and as Donald Trump said, when you have a young.....ass to wake up to you are a lucky man :lol: :lol: Fuck the money, that is my motto!

Robin Hood can explain to you where that money actually went - and it wasn't for the benefit of Greece!

But let's face it - it was pure personal greed that made people invest huge amounts into single accounts, just for the benefit of inflated interest rates. :wink: It's not an 'injustice'. It was gambling.

What? You have multipurpose banks in Cyprus? betting office/bank? Brilliant, fucking genius.
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Re: Cyprus will save the EU!

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Mar 17, 2016 11:33 pm

...what are you guys talking about? Banking and the past? A big hoorah, little Cyprus blah blahblah, and nothing more but the same old? Hello, because Turkey will get Visa Free Travel to (all of) Europe; that by recognising what already exists, (more precisely a Protocol) that Cyprus will be further ahead. What are we refusing? Cyprus has what, "Freedom", to gain, (/to lose) (it won't be the kind of Freedom that does not have to be specifically defined,) because Turkey is ready to call Cyprus, Cyprus (at least the half (that they define) they didn't recognise, before)? What Europe will "give", for Cyprus; it is perfect.
Do you get it? It is pure genius in a sick and criminally psychotic kind of way...

Cyprus cannot refuse recognition since it is what she asks for.

On the backs of migrants, no not migrants, mass migration, a crisis (a solution), in part also manufactured by spheres much like his own, not entirely under control, who in affect feed on themselves and grow, this Omnibus approach to an "Agreement". The word Freedom comes to mind as a two edged sword. You (meaning us, let's say the 97.2%) still don't get it, i suppose. If he succeeds in bundling the Cyprus Problem to a set of problems, he belittles the Problem itself, he belittles the "Problem" in Turkey, he belittles Universal Principals by setting his own conditions, for "Turkishness", again (and again). This is Erdogan's finest hour. This is the darkest hour; for Cyprus, indeed, and for the EU it is, never mind for what's called Mankind.

The end of Cyprus, and the end of the EU are near.

...but i'm just kidding, (not).

Turkey has taken no risk, she will absorb her chosen migrants as Citizens over the next five years to her benefit. What with the present condition(s) in Turkey, they are hard to ignore, Turkey should need no reward to show her convictions. What has been linked to these talks are more correctly dismissed, i wonder were issues successfully deflected, because as issues, the Cyprus Problem, and Visa Free Travel for Turks to Europe have no influence on solving the crisis at hand, the crisis of a mass migration bigger than what has ever been seen in 100 years, as well as being as issues big and complex themselves.

While the world will fill the headlines with much happiness, that Turkey agrees, Cyprus exists, "their" intentions are filled; not for the People of Turkey, or for Humanity, or for the displaced who continue moving having found no refuge yet. Certainly not for Cypriots with/under these conditions, a victory, or an end. But for a complex of Bureaucracies to mull over, and to rule (,) over their own complex regulations, Cyprus becomes not much more than a fuse to an even bigger bomb, "they" wish to take a hand at defusing, a trigger if you will; Erdogan dares the EU, yes, he'll say, to Cyprus. And he will say give us Visa Free Travel., i am not happy, what with this "recognition", near.
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Re: Cyprus will save the EU!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Mar 18, 2016 4:02 am

Cap wrote:Different actually...

In the case of Greece it was primarily fiscal
Cyprus was banking.

Common denominator Greed? Absolutely.

What it comes down to is the following:

O Kolos of titziros, ithe to vraki tsie shestike!

Greeks and Cypriots are a bunch of villager peasants which only know how to grow Olives and Kolokasi. So when the property boom happened in Greece and Cyprus, these peasants got a little drunk and started buying luxury German Cars instead of Czech Kobota tractors and then picking olives all of sudden was beneath them so they just wanted to sit at coffee shops dressed as bankers and wearing their cool Ray Bans looking all gangsta like!

Now, transpose that mentality across to the Cypriot Banking sector. They have the same peasant mentality too, and they got drunk and greedy and started to bet the house on Greece and lost. Yes, it was the entire Cypriot Banking sector not just 1 or 2 banks like in the USA (Lehmann Bros) or elsewhere.

Greed to an extent is human nature and will be found in any country, but in Cyprus it took another dimension. In the USA, EU and elsewhere, they know that the financial markets are cyclic and that you can buy German Luxury cars to an extent but you can't mortgage the house on it because the day will come when you will need to buy a Ford instead. :lol:
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Re: Cyprus will save the EU!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Mar 18, 2016 5:36 am

Just so I don't get accused of being anti Cypriot or Greek which could not be further from the truth...

What I describe above is human nature. Greed is in human DNA and you can see it in every society around the world. However, there is nothing worse than quick money and there are many examples. Cyprus is a great example but Cyprus is small. China is the Elephant in the room. Fastest growing middle class and super wealthy elites in the world to the point every company wants a piece of the pie and the Chinese in their drunken stupor are only too willing to spend their money and go into huge debt. So what do we have, an over-exposed China and an economy in slow down.

We see it in the West too. The middle class in massive amounts of debt massed from when times were good from before 2008. They are over-exposed too buying luxury goods, shares and property. They too in a state of back pedal but the developed West is a very mature and robust economy and will consolidate well and survive as well as fall back on their industry and diverse economies - think UK, USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, etc etc.

The difference here is that these wealthy economies were built over many generations and they have all seen tough times before whereas in Cyprus and China wealth was built only during the past 2 generations and they have forgotten where they have come from when only a few decades ago they were roaming the rice and Kolokasi fields in shoes with holes like Fifiri!

Peasants playing rich and going all stupid if you like.

And just to throw some objectivity into it. Australians only 250 years ago were living in the London Slums and stealing loafs of bread to eat. But over 20 or more generations, they are driving Luxury cars and sitting on millions worth in Estates. So this greediness is everywhere. It is in other EU countries, Australia, USA, Germany and Japan.

But in China and Cyprus, the rise was too quick and when Fifiri starts wearing Georgio Armani suits and thinks Olive picking is beneath him, then he is gonna crash and smash his face on the pavement.

Sorry but just saying it the way I see it. At least I'm honest!!

Look at it this way. You could actually speak to a wealthy American, or wealthy whatever. There was an element of humbleness and being down to earth. Not so with a Greek, Cypriot or Chinese because they forgot where they came from.
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Re: Cyprus will save the EU!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Mar 18, 2016 6:30 am

And now to the good stuff. On the matter of Greece...

For such a "down and out" country, they are 1 up on the rest of the world.

Yes they can claim to be human beings. A poor and desperate people found their way on their doorsteps at a time Greeks can least afford to open their doors and that is exactly what they did.

That is the superiority of Greeks. A civilization thousands of years old full of compassion. Something lost on the rest of the world.

They beat the shit out of the rest of the EU and western world so don't forget that! They lay the foundations and cornerstones of this Western World (EU, USA) but the way they are behaving you wouldn't know it. That is where the Western World has forgotten its moral compass and you see it every day whenever you watch the news and you also see Greece proving its humility and compassion that is lost everywhere else.

I am feeling very proud of Greece at the moment. And it is about time we see Greeks showing the rest of the world what they are capable of and showing their superiority when it comes to compassion. This is a people that is capable of anything if they work together and remember their roots.

You compare the actions of Greeks to the likes of FYROM, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Austria, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, UK, France, Switzerland, Norway and tell me who is superior.

I remove Germany because Merkel admitted the other day that Greece has been betrayed, stabbed in the back, and that the generosity of the Greeks needs to be rewarded. Well at least she admitted it. Everyone else wants to accuse Greece of breaking Schengen rules because Greeks did not turn the homeless and destitute away from their doorsteps.

And FYROM laying claim over thousands of years of Hellenistic Civilisation from Alexander The Great is the biggest horseshit I have ever heard. These people are Slavs, just like Pootin's Russian barbarians, who are as cold as ICE. Yes Pootin is cold as ICE and that has been proven to us with his actions in Russia, Ukraine and Syria. They are NOT warm Hellenes from the Macedonian Era which carried with it Hellenistic Culture and Civilisation all the way to India and Afghanistan!

Yes that Special Forces dude from Golden Dawn should have given the British BBC journo a good slap in the face just like he did to that stupid Socialist politician on National TV. Some people deserve it.
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Re: Cyprus will save the EU!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:33 am

Meanwhile .... back to Cyprus!

Donald Tusk, president of the European council, who is chairing the meeting, has emphasised that large EU countries cannot ride roughshod over Cyprus in the hope of agreeing a deal with Turkey. One EU source said: “We cannot accept a solution that will damage the peace talks in Cyprus.”

Belgium’s prime minister, Charles Michel, insisted no deal was better than a bad deal. “Turkey is asking a lot and I don’t accept a negotiation that at times represents a form of blackmail.

Now that Turkey's evil attitude to being human has become transparent, maybe the EU can go the one stop further and remove the Turkish troops from EU soil too!

Cameron explains removal - and how we can then remove the Turkish Settlers Turkey brought in (it's similar to how the Syrians have been 'turfed' into Greece by Turkey).

On the matter of returning illegals to where they came from:

Greece will need to send hundreds of judges to its islands, who will work around the clock assessing asylum claims. Individual assessments and the right of appeal are seen as crucial if the EU is to make the case that returns are in line with international law.

The UK thinks returns are legal, as long as asylum claims are assessed on their merits. The prime minister’s spokeswoman said: “We think this can be done in line with EU and international law and it is important it is introduced and set up in the right way. We think that means focusing on individual cases and [assessing them] on their merits. But it is one of the concerns raised by a number of countries.”
[Snippets for The Guardian]

Therefore, after Turkish-troop removal, Britain should support us when it comes to returning the Turkish Settlers. They are the arch-removers. They removed some Turks from Cyprus in the 1920s and proposed for TCs ( 'British Aims for Cyprus' - discussed at length in another thread) to move to Turkey if they didn't accept life in Cyprus in the 1960s.

Step 1. Turkish troops out of Cyprus.
Step 2. Turkish illegals out of Cyprus.
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Re: Cyprus will save the EU!

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Mar 18, 2016 7:27 pm the latest news, from the Czech PM, is that an Agreement has been reached with safeguards for migrants, the possibility of their return to Turkey, no mention of Cyprus, possible easing of Travel restrictions to Europe for Turkish Citizens in June, starting Sunday.
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