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Letter to the Permanent Members of UN Security Council

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Letter to the Permanent Members of UN Security Council

Postby halil » Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:20 pm

Letter to the Permanent Members of UN Security Council by the Republican Turkish Party on oil and gas :!:


Recent developments regarding oil and gas exploration around Cyprus has fueled tensions between the Turkish and Greek Cypriot sides. This unilateral step by the Greek Cypriot Leadership has significantly damaged the already fragile status of the inter-communal talks which were expected to take a decisive final turn in late October at the summit to be held between the Leaders of both communities and the UNSG Ban Ki Moon.

We as the Republican Turkish Party and United Forces believe it is high time international community and in particular the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council assume their responsibilities and secure the favorable outcome of the inter-communal talks held under the auspices of the Good Offices Mission of the UN Secretary General.

It is clear that with the discovery of possible oil and gas fields off the shores of Cyprus the Leaderships on both sides of the island are now on an inevitable path for conflict. The only way out from this seemingly irreversible path is for UN Security Council to ask for ceasing of drilling prior to a comprehensive solution and invite both parties to agree to a calendar to solve the Cyprus problem at the end of which the remaining issues would be left to UN arbitration. It must be made clear to both sides of the island that any potential royalties ensuing from exploitation of natural resources in and around Cyprus must benefit both sides and therefore can only be released to a Federal Government that must be established as called by UN Security Council Resolutions as well as the Joint Statements of the two leaders dated 23 May and 1 July 2008.

Such a step would be consistent with the agreement already reached at the negotiations which stipulates that the natural resources of Cyprus will be a Federal competence. The latest Joint Communiqué of the Turkish and Greek Cypriot political parties issued on 21 September 2011 at the Ledra Palace Hotel in Nicosia also underscores that the natural resources belong to all Cypriots, that these should be used to resolve the Cyprus issue and that the rights and interests of both Cypriot sides should be respected.

We believe a decision by the UNSC to reserve the proceeds from natural resources around Cyprus to the Federal Government to be established, coupled with a calendar and acceptance of UN arbitration on remaining unresolved issues will create the right incentives for both sides to focus on comprehensive solution and secure two “Yes” votes from the referenda.

Your Excellency,

Without the settlement of the Cyprus problem, which clearly requires more involvement in the current negotiating process by the UN Security Council, the off shore resources of Cyprus should not be exploited. Therefore, we believe that the Security Council has a major role to play on how the situation unfolds in the near future. We ask you to use all the authority and influence given to you by the Charter of the United Nations organization for the resolution of the Cyprus issue, the talks of which are conducted under the auspices your organization.

Actions solely based on the legalistic claims of either side, losing sight of the ultimate goal of resolving the Cyprus issue, will have catastrophic consequences not only for Cyprus but also for the whole region. We urge you to act in a decisive and timely manner to turn a potential conflict to an opportunity for peace and reconciliation in Cyprus.

Please be assured of my highest consideration,
Özkan Yorgancıoğlu
Republican Turkish Party
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Re: Letter to the Permanent Members of UN Security Council

Postby ZoC » Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:31 pm

halil wrote:the natural resources belong to all Cypriots

right; not turkey or the illegal settlers....

it's like the eu membership all over again.

"cyprus can't join the eu until their is a settlement: it will be a catastrophe". cyprus joined. it was a catastrophe for turkish imperialism.

"cyprus can't drill for oil until there's a settlement: it will be a catastrophe". cyprus will drill. it will be a catastrophe for turkish imperialism.

when tcs rid cyprus of turkey and its settlers, they can share in the oil; not before.
Last edited by ZoC on Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Letter to the Permanent Members of UN Security Council

Postby ZoC » Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:41 pm

halil wrote:Actions solely based on the legalistic claims of either side, losing sight of the ultimate goal of resolving the Cyprus issue, will have catastrophic consequences not only for Cyprus but also for the whole region.

WHY? can u explain this? why is acting legally catastrophic?

acting illegally should be catastrophic.
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Re: Letter to the Permanent Members of UN Security Council

Postby Maximus » Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:45 pm


Recent developments regarding oil and gas exploration around Cyprus has fueled tensions between the Turkish and Greek Cypriot sides. This unilateral step by the Greek Cypriot Leadership has significantly damaged the already fragile status of the inter-communal talks which were expected to take a decisive final turn in late October at the summit to be held between the Leaders of both communities and the UNSG Ban Ki Moon.

Can you provide an example of this tension which involves Turkish and Greek Cypriots, or just examples which involve Turkey and (Greek)Cyprus?

We as the Republican Turkish Party and United Forces believe it is high time international community and in particular the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council assume their responsibilities and secure the favorable outcome of the inter-communal talks held under the auspices of the Good Offices Mission of the UN Secretary General.

who's favour?

It is clear that with the discovery of possible oil and gas fields off the shores of Cyprus the Leaderships on both sides of the island are now on an inevitable path for conflict.

provide examples there is nothing to substatiate this. you are assuming.

The only way out from this seemingly irreversible path is for UN Security Council to ask for ceasing of drilling prior to a comprehensive solution and invite both parties to agree to a calendar to solve the Cyprus problem at the end of which the remaining issues would be left to UN arbitration.

you are asking to dilute Cyprus's sovereignty, you also make it clear that you cant think of anything else other than impedment. this is benign at best.

It must be made clear to both sides of the island that any potential royalties ensuing from exploitation of natural resources in and around Cyprus must benefit both sides and therefore can only be released to a Federal Government that must be established as called by UN Security Council Resolutions as well as the Joint Statements of the two leaders dated 23 May and 1 July 2008.

A legal governemnt which the UN itself recognises already exists, what are you disputing? Cyprus's Sovereignty? it has already been made clear that royaltiees will benefit all Cypriots.

Such a step would be consistent with the agreement already reached at the negotiations which stipulates that the natural resources of Cyprus will be a Federal competence. The latest Joint Communiqué of the Turkish and Greek Cypriot political parties issued on 21 September 2011 at the Ledra Palace Hotel in Nicosia also underscores that the natural resources belong to all Cypriots, that these should be used to resolve the Cyprus issue and that the rights and interests of both Cypriot sides should be respected.

thats right, the resources can be used to solve the Cyprus issue.

We believe a decision by the UNSC to reserve the proceeds from natural resources around Cyprus to the Federal Government to be established, coupled with a calendar and acceptance of UN arbitration on remaining unresolved issues will create the right incentives for both sides to focus on comprehensive solution and secure two “Yes” votes from the referenda.

There is already a calender in place, and the clock is ticking. the RoC has not even found any gas yet and you are thinking about how you can restrict disspearsment of the potential proceeds. You are not even thinking about making most effective use of the remaining time which is left, or the existing good offices of the UNSG or how to be constructive in your own contribution so your community can benefit. which leads on nicely to the fact that your community has a greater incentive regarding this matter.

Your Excellency,

Without the settlement of the Cyprus problem, which clearly requires more involvement in the current negotiating process by the UN Security Council, the off shore resources of Cyprus should not be exploited. Therefore, we believe that the Security Council has a major role to play on how the situation unfolds in the near future. We ask you to use all the authority and influence given to you by the Charter of the United Nations organization for the resolution of the Cyprus issue, the talks of which are conducted under the auspices your organization.

Two security council members are making representation in the area with their respective commercials, Noble and Gazprom will likely be there too no doubt. lets refer back to our UN resolutions on this matter. It says here that Turkey should have left Cyprus in 1974 and you should be respecting the sovereign integrity of the republic. You can leave the island and put it under our auspices.

Actions solely based on the legalistic claims of either side, losing sight of the ultimate goal of resolving the Cyprus issue, will have catastrophic consequences not only for Cyprus but also for the whole region. We urge you to act in a decisive and timely manner to turn a potential conflict to an opportunity for peace and reconciliation in Cyprus.

Countries and people need energy to survive, this is the primary purpose of the drilling and it is being conducted legally. why would acting outside of the legal system prove catastrophic? laws are there for a reason and more like acting outside of the law can potentially be catastrophic.

Please be assured of my highest consideration,
Özkan Yorgancıoğlu
Republican Turkish Party
Last edited by Maximus on Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Letter to the Permanent Members of UN Security Council

Postby Jerry » Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:47 pm

Halil, your chums would have a little more credibility if they bothered to spell and grammar check their efforts before they post them, Microsoft Word freely provides this facility.

You really need to make up your minds about your own status; are you an independent state or are you still a component of the ROC?

The almost hysterical tone of the letter would lead one to believe that the ROC is already extracting tons of fuel out of the seabed already. It's going to be 5-10 years before we see any gas or oil and besides Christofias has already promised you a share even before a solution.

May I disrespectively suggest that you tell Turkey to fuck off and reverse the demographic changes it has made to the island.

As for arbitration, what a bloody good idea, so long as it is consistent with the universally accepted laws concerning human rights, but you should know in that event Turkey would forever lose its right to intervene in Cyprus.
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Re: Letter to the Permanent Members of UN Security Council

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:11 pm


Your Considerate Servant

Bill C
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Re: Letter to the Permanent Members of UN Security Council

Postby Hermes » Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:24 am

Recent developments regarding oil and gas exploration around Cyprus has fueled tensions between the Turkish and Greek Cypriot sides

It's the Turks that are unhappy. The TCs stand to gain from any gas revenues if there is a solution. No need for the TCs to feel unhappy at all. The question is: why are the Turks not happy on behalf of the TCs who will gain from a solution?
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Re: Letter to the Permanent Members of UN Security Council

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:55 am

sorry halil,

...look at it.

it is leading...

don't count on leading the Council; the
facts, stick to the facts. as for feelings,

...i say have joy, it is yours to lead and to choose
seek the others like you who are, who act as
Cypriots, the Island needs Freedom: not "Greeks"
and "Turks". And if there are National Assemblies
that are equal, each would have a Territorial Jurisdiction,
the self representation as Persons, but one State is
our representation undivided as Individuals united
for the Universal Principals, as Humans we seek to better. believe in BBF? i need to quote what we have agreed to so far? i need to plead with you to read my manifesto?

hyte halil, be helpful, do you want things to remain the same?

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Re: Letter to the Permanent Members of UN Security Council

Postby Nikitas » Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:04 am


It looks like this guy asking the UN to suspend the Law of the Sea Convention pending a solution to his liking.

What if no oil is discovered? Will he send another letter offering to split the cost? Equally?

if ALL resources the property of ALL Cypriots, then they should allow Cypriot fishermen in the waters of the north part of the island. In case you, and the letter writer, do not know it fisheries, under the Law of the Sea, are regarded as part of the "natural resources" of a nation.

You guys are getting weird. Whatever happened to Taksim? And the "two states" slogan, and that stuff about "Turk to Turk". Just when we started to get used to them you go and change the game on us.
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Re: Letter to the Permanent Members of UN Security Council

Postby halil » Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:24 am

:!: Joint statement by two leaders :!:

once more again needed to remind someones :!:

23 May 2008

They reaffirmed their commitment to a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality, as defined by relevant Security Council resolutions. This partnership will have a Federal Government with a single international personality, as well as a Turkish Cypriot Constituent State and a Greek Cypriot Constituent State, which will be of equal status.

IF CHRISTOFIAS is behind his statement worries from TC's .....IF he is not ...his promises are worthless.....
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