...what do you want Cypriots in the free part of Cyprus to do?
TCs say they find themselves between a rock and a hard place, untrusting of the Republic of Cyprus, unhappy with accepting "minority status", unwilling to risk becoming "second class citizens in their own homeland".
In the north meanwhile Turkey is eroding their culture, their education and career prospects, their secular traditions, their salaries, their very right to call themselves Cypriots. This is all very sad.
But what do you expect Cypriots free from Turkey's iron grip to do?
• jeopardize hard fought freedoms secured by EU membership?
• give away their human right to properties belonging to them in the north?
• accept derogations to EU law which no other EU citizens would countenance?
• relinquish the principle of universal suffrage?
• open the door for Turkey to interfere in the domestic affairs of the whole island?
• give Turkey's military the right to intervene once more, as it did in 1974 with disastrous consequences?
Do you honestly expect any free Cypriot in their right mind to vote "Yes" to this?