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Postby Sega » Sun Dec 09, 2007 5:07 pm

I have to agree with oroklinoservices. To be honest unlike the UK, smoking weed is completely illegal here (UK government has exceptions for consuming weed within your own home). I know many people in Cyprus unfortunately for you none smoke weed, however I have heard that the villages around kokinoxoria (red-soiled villages around Agia Napa) are known (don't ask me how) for their relationship between Bob Marley and themselves. So if your looking to undertake such illegal activities that would be your best bet.

Weed for a foreigner (i.e. you) is very difficult to come by. I must warm you however, smoking weed is against the law and the Cypriot government are v.strict when it comes to foreigners (i.e. you) using illegal drugs. If you are adamant that Canadian weed is the best in the world and you are already a native in Canada you should stick to consuming weed within that country.
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Re: Marijuana

Postby Get Real! » Sun Dec 09, 2007 6:12 pm

Theodoros wrote:Is it easy to get weed in Cyprus? do people grow it in Cyprus? If so, how good is it?

Cyprus is not for you so stay put...
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Postby craigbeck » Sun Dec 09, 2007 7:03 pm

Agreed I don't think Cyprus needs scum like you
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Postby WooLagong » Sun Dec 09, 2007 7:37 pm

omg,another brainwashed! u got smthng against weed...err...."scum"? hhahahah,and the other one" cyprus is not for u" hahahha u make my day girlz!

>> and btw,the seed are very easy to get,they come sticked into a regular cd case! cheers

le> and guess what! it grows without taking care of it,the climat is very good for weed here..gotta work on that final product though... 8)
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Postby GorillaGal » Sun Dec 09, 2007 7:45 pm

craigbeck wrote:Agreed I don't think Cyprus needs scum like you

nothing wrong with a little weed.

go take your viagra.... at least weed is 100% natureal and has medicinal uses.
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Postby craigbeck » Sun Dec 09, 2007 7:50 pm

The venom from a red back spider is 100% natural why don't you inject a shot of that good stuff?
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Postby phoenix » Sun Dec 09, 2007 7:55 pm

Hemlock : A lovely plant :D

....... but so potent at silencing philosophers :(

Wiki wrote:In ancient Greece, hemlock was used to poison condemned prisoners. The most famous victim of hemlock poisoning is the philosopher Socrates. After being condemned to death for impiety in 399 BC, Socrates was given a potent solution of the hemlock plant. Plato described Socrates' death in the Phaedo :

"The man … laid his hands on him and after a while examined his feet and legs, then pinched his foot hard and asked if he felt it. He said ‘No’; then after that, his thighs; and passing upwards in this way he showed us that he was growing cold and rigid. And then again he touched him and said that when it reached his heart, he would be gone. The chill had now reached the region about the groin, and uncovering his face, which had been covered, he said — and these were his last words — 'Crito, we owe a cock to Asclepius. Pay it and do not neglect it.' 'That,' said Crito, 'shall be done; but see if you have anything else to say.' To this question he made no reply, but after a little while he moved; the attendant uncovered him; his eyes were fixed. And Crito when he saw it, closed his mouth and eyes."
Although many have questioned whether this is a factual account, careful attention to Plato's words, modern and ancient medicine, and other ancient Greek sources point to the above account being consistent with Conium poisoning.

Sometimes the characteristic red spots found on the stem and branches are referred to as "the blood of Socrates" in reference to his death.
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Postby GorillaGal » Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:08 pm

alcohol causes liver disease.
marijuana doesn't cause any disease and is not addictive.
put that in your pipe and smoke it.
the only proven known danger of smoking pot is getting busted.
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Postby raymanuva » Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:10 pm

a littlebit of weed now and then is not a problem.... In Holland where drugs are legal, people consume the lowest amount of drugs than other European countries (statistic).
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Postby GorillaGal » Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:17 pm

raymanuva wrote:a littlebit of weed now and then is not a problem.... In Holland where drugs are legal, people consume the lowest amount of drugs than other European countries (statistic).


you can overdose on alcohol and die from it, you can not overdose from pot.
booze can cause you to totally black out, where you don't remember what you are doing. pot will not do that to you.
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